Des rencontres naissent les plus beaux projets. Invité en 2017 pour produire un atelier d’expression…
The culture should be accessible to everyone, without exception. This is the motto of the…
La cultura debe ser accesible para todos, sin excepción. Este es el lema del…

From September 2019, Chaillot will provide IMMERSIVE LIVE PACK with 20 SUBPAC vibrating vests for…

Until July 7, in Reims, the International Festival of Arts in Sign Language offers deaf…

We are proud to announce Revolution Acoustics, a real game changer for Background Music at…

Artículo original en el sitio El Pais España “Las notas musicales son vibraciones, frecuencias numéricas”,…

Catharsis or ‘how to liberate emotions by explosions’ is an experimental journey through a VR…

The Peugeot FRACTAL concept is an electric urban coupé that exhilarates all your senses.In addition…

Our mission is to bring the physical feeling of music to the world. The video…
“As you know in DUB, the bass is the most important.. with the SubPac we…
“The SubPac is a game changer!” – Hank Shocklee: President – Shocklee Entertainment, Public Enemy/Bomb…

Review du Subpac S1 en langue des signes par une famille sourde, premier système tactile…

24 * 13 Walnut Pedalboard With Zombie Tweed Case A hardwood walnut pedal board¬†with a…